Monday, September 7, 2009

Farm News Post Script (Email Classics)

Written, March 6, 2009

Ok, I'm going to take all of you up on your suggestions to find a way to start selling my farm stories.

Because, if I'm not going to get paid for telling the story of having to cut the fabric out of the back of my at-one-time expensive couch in order to retrieve a mama cat and her 5 kittens, then I'm not sure this farm life is all it's cracked up to be.

1. Yes, they're precious
2. Yes, I'm oddly proud of Smokey, the mama
3. No, none of them are sporting extra legs or missing eyes. They're cute. (As the offspring of siblings - who themselves were the offspring of siblings - we were concerned.)

And I'm sure I'll love them. Once I've reupholstered the dang couch.

I'm not even going to count how many mouths we're feeding around here these days. I thought there was one less when Tanner's rabbit, Chloe, disappeared for 2 days. But we all prayed a lot, and miracle of miracles, she showed up in the tack room yesterday afternoon. (Boy, did I say extra prayers because we have a hawk that literally lives in the tree in our front yard. Generally, when a rabbit has rabbited around these parts, it does not return. Did I mention the owls that hoot to each other at night from the pastures on either side of our house?)

I was thrilled for Tanner - if ever there's a little guy who needs to know prayers are heard, it's him. He's being tested by the effects of all his kidney meds and dealing with all new emotions and experiences. But returning rabbits and new kitties surely help. So, I'll keep buying feed of all sorts.

Love from the farm,

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